Government of Western Australia Official Site


Marine strategy to boost WA’s blue economy



Premier and Science Minister Colin Barnett has announced the launch of ‘The Blueprint for Marine Science Initiative – Implementation Strategy 2016-18,’ the result of high-level collaboration between many sectors engaged in the marine environment.

The strategy aims to allow commercial and recreational marine activities to grow while sustaining the ecological values of the marine environment, and to improve industry and community confidence in the sustainable development of Western Australia’s marine environment.

It also aims to improve efficiency in compliance and infrastructure and position WA as a globally renowned hub focused on marine science and innovation. “Our ocean is a place in which we play, fish and take pride in its natural beauty. It is a place rich with extraordinary biodiversity, unique ecosystems and indigenous history, all of which we need to protect,” Mr Barnett said. “The blueprint initiative is an end-user driven strategic approach to marine science that supports industry, community and government activities off the coast of Western Australia.”

Building on the Blueprint for Marine Science 2050 report delivered in 2015, and the subsequent Premier’s marine science roundtable, the strategy guides the foundation of a long-term collaboration between all sectors operating in WA’s marine environment.

The Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) will lead an implementation group overseen by a steering committee co-chaired by the Chief Scientist of Western Australia, Professor Peter Klinken, and the chairwoman of WAMSI, Naomi Brown.

The Blueprint for Marine Science Initiative – Implementation Strategy 2016-18 can be viewed at